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全面調高樓宇印花稅率 Stamp Duty (BSD, SSD)

Source: 5/11/2016 Hong Kong Economic Times - For References Only

Source:  NOW TV & i-Cable TV on 13/5/2014 - For References Only

Source:  Hong Kong Economic Times on 13/5/2014 - For References Only.

Media Info & Market News (For References Only)


調整措施: 財經事務及庫務局局長陳家強在立法會表示,樓市需求管理措施有必要維持,但考慮議員和持份者的意見後,願意調整雙倍印花稅。











































English Version:

Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Prof KC Chan

Property plan to stay

May 13, 2014


Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Prof KC Chan

Under the influence of exceptionally low interest rates and abundant liquidity, as well as the tight supply of residential properties, the property market in Hong Kong has shown signs of an irrational state of exuberance over the past few years. Although the rise in residential property prices was temporarily arrested upon the introduction of the enhanced Special Stamp Duty and Buyer's Stamp Duty in end October 2012, there were signs of spreading of overheating situation to the non-residential property market.

To address the overheating situation in the property market, the Government announced on February 22, 2013 the introduction of a new round of measures, i.e. to double the ad valorem stamp duty rates on transactions for residential and non-residential properties and to advance the timing for charging of ad valorem stamp duty on non-residential property transactions, in order to reinforce demand management on those who have already acquired residential properties and to prevent the overheating situation from spreading to the non-residential property market. The bill reflects the above-mentioned new round of measures.

When introducing the doubled ad valorem stamp duty, we have the following major considerations:

(a) the measures should uphold the current stamp duty regime on properties by charging ad valorem stamp duty on the basis of the considerations of property transactions in the instrument on a progressive scale;

(b) the measures should, having regard to the situation in the property market, enhance the extent of demand-side management with a view to cooling down the overheated property market immediately so as to reverse the market expectation that property prices will only rise; and

(c) the measures should be consistent with the Government's policy directive, i.e. to accord priority to the home ownership needs of Hong Kong Permanent Residents and take a stringent approach in drawing up the exemption rules at the same time to ensure the effectiveness of the measures.

Measures effective

Since the introduction of the doubled ad valorem stamp duty measures, as reflected by statistics, the property market has shown signs of cooling down with dwindled transactions and stabilised prices. Overall flat prices increased by an average of 0.1% per month during March 2013 to March 2014, a notable deceleration from the monthly average increase of 2.7% in the first two months of 2013. The rental prices increased by an average of 0.1% per month during March 2013 to March 2014, a reduction from the monthly average increase of 0.4% in the first two months of 2013 and a notable deceleration from the monthly average increase of 1.9% in 2012.

For the non-residential property market, the prices of office and flatted factory space increased by an average of 0.3% and 0.1% respectively per month during March 2013 to March 2014, a notable deceleration from the monthly average increases of 2.6% and 4.1% respectively in the first two months of 2013. The prices of retail space between March 2013 and March 2014 showed virtually no change further to the monthly average increase of 1.9% in the first two months of 2013. During the same period, the monthly average increase of rental prices of retail, office and flatted factory space continued to decelerate. For example, in the case of retail space, the increase was reduced to 0.4% from 0.7%, with an obvious drop when compared with the monthly average increase of 1% in 2012.

The above shows that the successive rounds of demand-side management measures introduced by the Government have addressed the overheating situation in the property market effectively, which is in line with our policy objective. Despite the preliminary results, uncertainty still prevails in the market and the supply of properties remains tight. Hence, we consider it necessary to maintain the measures.

Next, I will respond to the major concerns that members have expressed on the bill during past meetings, including whether the measures should be applicable to non-residential properties, the stipulated period for changing properties, the handling of acquisition of a residential property together with a car parking space and the sunset clause.

Policy scope

According to the bill, the doubled ad valorem stamp duty shall apply to all transactions in respect of residential and non-residential properties. That said, for consistency with the Government's policy directive to accord priority to the home ownership needs of Hong Kong permanent residents, the bill proposes to exempt residential property acquired by a Hong Kong permanent resident, provided that he or she is not a beneficial owner of any other residential property in Hong Kong at the time of acquiring the concerned residential property.

I understand some members have proposed that similar exemption arrangement should be available for non-residential property transactions by citing the above exemption. However, I would like to point out that given their differences in nature, they should not be treated in the same way. The policy considerations for non-residential properties are not on a par with addressing the home ownership needs of Hong Kong permanent residents. To ensure the effectiveness of the measures and prevent the spread of overheating situation to the non-residential property market, we do not propose to provide exemption for non-residential property transactions.

Timeframe relaxed

On the residential properties, having regard to the policy objective, legislative intent and under the principle of not undermining the effectiveness of the measures and after having fully considered the views of members and relevant stakeholders, we are willing to make adjustments to the proposed measures in the following two aspects.

First, we propose to relax the "six-month" timeframe for owners having acquired a new residential property before disposing of their original one. Specifically, the bill currently proposes that if the Hong Kong permanent resident who acquires a new residential property has entered into an agreement for sale to dispose of his or her original and only other residential property in Hong Kong within six months from the date of acquiring the new property, he or she can benefit from the refund mechanism purposely drawn up to cater for the replacement needs of Hong Kong permanent residents, i.e. the difference in ad valorem stamp duty payment between the old and new rates will be refunded. Striking a balance between addressing the practical needs of the public and safeguarding the effectiveness of the measures, we propose to specify the "six-month" timeframe under the current arrangement in the bill be adjusted to commence from the conveyance on sale instead of the agreement for sale and purchase of the newly acquired property. We believe the above formulation can address the replacement needs of both owners who acquire existing stocks and uncompleted flats. The refund criterion is applicable across the board, clear and fair. It is easy for public understanding and facilitates effective administration by the Inland Revenue Department.

In the light of the above arrangement, we also propose a slight modification to the "two-year" timeframe for application to Inland Revenue Department for stamp duty refund as specified in the bill. While maintaining the two-year application timeframe after the execution of an agreement for sale and purchase of the newly acquired property, we propose to include a new clause to allow for application within two months from the conveyance on sale of the original residential property, whichever is the later. This is meant to enable buyers of changing properties, including those who acquire uncompleted flats, to apply for refund after completion of transactions to cater for actual circumstances.

Parking space exempted

The second adjustment is related to the exemption arrangement in respect of acquisition of a residential property with a car parking space. In accordance with the bill and the prevailing practice by the Stamp Office, when a Hong Kong permanent resident acting on his or her behalf in acquiring a residential property and a car parking space by a single instrument, the concerned residential property in the transaction can be exempted from the doubled ad valorem stamp duty while the car parking space will not be exempted given that it is a non-residential property.

Striking a balance between the prevailing stamp duty regime on property, addressing the home ownership needs of the public and safeguarding the effectiveness of the measures, we consider the need to uphold the spirit of providing the current exemption to residential properties and in doing so to cater along the need of those in acquiring a residential property and a car parking space by a single instrument by exempting the car parking space from the doubled ad valorem stamp duty. The exemption shall be stringently drawn up with the following conditions:

(a) the buyer is a Hong Kong permanent resident who is acting on his or her behalf and is not a beneficial owner of any other residential property and car parking space in Hong Kong at the time of acquisition of the concerned residential property and car parking space;

(b) the concerned exemption is restricted to one car parking space, irrespective of whether the car parking space is acquired for self-use or by a first-time buyer; and

(c) the concerned car parking space must be acquired together with the residential property in a single instrument, irrespective of whether the car parking space is located in the same residential development. If the single instrument involves more than one car parking space, all the car parking spaces will not be exempted even if they are purchased jointly with the residential property.

To implement the above two adjustment proposals, the Government will submit Committee Stage Amendments in due course.

The two adjustment proposals mentioned just now are only technical in nature which are meant to address the home ownership needs of Hong Kong permanent residents, and are consistent with our policy and intent. The proposed two adjustment proposals do not represent any relaxation on the existing demand-side management measures. I do not wish to see any speculation by the public or market players. Neither should they doubt the Government's determination in this regard. We are determined to uphold the existing policy and safeguard the healthy and stable development of the property market.

Sunset clause

The Government does not agree to include a sunset clause in the bill as proposed by individual members. As the Government has pointed out repeatedly, we cannot willfully predict future market changes and various external factors and come up with a date as to when the demand-side management measures would no longer be applicable. Therefore, any prescribed sunset clause will only disseminate erroneous messages to the market and fuel demand, thus affecting the effectiveness of the measures.

Having said that, the absence of sunset clause does not mean that we will ignore the market situation. The Government will continue to closely monitor the property market and changes in the external factors, take appropriate measures, including making timely adjustment to the measures with a view to safeguarding the healthy and stable development of the property market. Thus, I undertake that the Government will conduct a review and report to the Legislative Council one year after the enactment of the legislation.

This is the English translation of Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury Prof KC Chan’s opening remarks at the Legislative Council Bills Committee on Stamp Duty (Amendment) Bill 2013 meeting.



香港經濟日 9/7/2013


** 全面調高樓宇印花稅率  **

   TVB News on 22/2/2013


防患未然: 財政司司長曾俊華(中)聯同多名官員,宣布新一輪樓市需求管理措施,以防樓市風險進一步惡化。




   當 局將全面提高樓宇買賣印花稅的稅率,200萬元或以下的交易的印花稅稅率,將由100元增至交易額的1.5%;其他交易的稅率全面增加一倍,最高的稅率由 交易額的4.25%調整為交易額的8.5%。除指定豁免外,新稅率適用於所有個人或公司購買住宅或非住宅物業的交易。

   新稅率的其 他豁免範圍,大致與額外印花稅和買家印花稅相若。但香港永久性居民購買住宅物業,在簽署買賣協議時並沒有擁有其他香港住宅物業,即是打算只擁有一個物業的 香港永久性居民,包括首次置業、已出售原有物業等待再置業,甚至想換樓的人士,可獲豁免繳付新增的稅率,只須按現時的稅率繳付印花稅。







**** *** ENGLISH VERSION *** ***

Taking action:  Financial Secretary John Tsang (centre) announces measures to reduce the immediate demand for both residential and non-residential properties.

New measures to cool property market: FS

February 22, 2013
Two new measures to cool the property market will be introduced to reduce immediate demand, Financial Secretary John Tsang announced today.

At a press conference, Mr Tsang said the ad valorem stamp duties on both residential and non-residential properties would be doubled across the board. For transactions valued at $2 million or below, the stamp duty will rise from a $100 flat fee to 1.5% of the transaction's consideration.

“We shall grant exemptions similar to those available in the existing Special Stamp Duty and Buyer’s Stamp Duty regimes. The new stamp duty rates will not apply to Hong Kong Permanent Resident buyers who are not beneficial owners of any other residential property in Hong Kong at the time of acquisition of a residential property,” he said.

Under a new arrangement, Mr Tsang said stamp duty on a non-residential property will be charged on a sale and purchase agreement, instead of the current pratice of charging it when a conveyance on sale of the property is executed.

“I expect it will help forestall any possible shift in exuberance from the residential market to the non-residential market," he said, adding the two measures will take effect after midnight tonight. Sale and purchase agreements signed today or previously will not be affected.

In October last year, the Government introduced two new measures - increasing the Special Stamp Duty rate and extending its restriction period, and introducing the Buyer's Stamp Duty. Transactions in November and December 2012 plunged sharply as speculative activities and non-Hong Kong Permanent Residents' demand subsided.

The market regained momentum in January. Property prices rose 2% in January, and have continued to rise. Prices have increased 120% compared to 2008. The affordability ratio dropped to 52% in the fourth quarter last year, and this ratio would rise to 68% if the interest rates were to go up by just three percentage points.

The price of non-residential properties has also soared. In 2012, the price of retail space surged 39%, offices 23% and flatted factory space 44%.

“We shall introduce the necessary legislative amendments to the Legislative Council as soon as possible. I hope that the Legislative Council will agree to empower me to adjust the value bands and rates of both the existing and new ad valorem stamp duty by means of subsidiary legislation so that adjustments can be made in a timely manner,” he said.

Mr Tsang said since the land sale programme resumed in 2010, housing supply would increase in the coming years. He noted 48,000 unsold private flats were under construction at the end of 2012, and 24,000 new units are expected to be ready for sale this year.

He believes that the two new measures, together with the enhanced flat supply, will help cool the market, adding he would not hesitate to introduce further measures.

The new measures' introduction shows the Government has been monitoring the property market, which will affect the financial system and the overall economy, Chief Executive CY Leung said.

"If the market continues to get overheated, we will introduce further demand-side management measures in a timely manner," Mr Leung stressed.

********  工商物業按揭成數降一成  *******







   他 表示,現時樓市過熱對香港金融穩定造成的風險是不下於97年,目前按揭利息只有約兩厘,往後美國利率一定會上升至較正常水平,屆時便需承受可能高很多的利 息負擔,和樓價大幅波動的風險,可能嚴重影響置業者和其家庭往後十多廿年的福祉。他期望大家千萬不要低估利息上升時會為供款能力,資產價格及香港整體經濟 帶來的風險和衝擊。



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 ******      ******      ******      ******      ******      *******      ******

Banks to tighten property lending

February 22, 2013
The Monetary Authority today issued new guidelines to banks on measures to strengthen their risk management as the risk of the property market overheating has risen, the authority’s Chief Executive Norman Chan says.

Speaking to the media today, Mr Chan said banks must assume a mortgage rate increase of 300 basis points, instead of the existing 200 basis points, in stress-testing mortgage applicants’ repayment ability. He added this measure will apply to mortgage loans for all property types.

The maximum loan-to-value ratios of mortgage loans for all commercial and industrial properties will be cut by 10 percentage points from the existing applicable levels.

The maximum loan-to-value ratio of mortgage loans for standalone car park spaces will be set at 40% and the maximum loan tenor at 15 years. Other requirements on maximum loan-to-value ratio and debt-servicing ratio that apply to commercial and industrial property mortgage loans will also apply to standalone car park space mortgage loans.

The measures take immediate effect, Mr Chan said. Loan applications for property transactions with provisional sale and purchase agreements signed on or before today will not be affected.

Unusual circumstances
“Hong Kong is facing an extremely unusual macro-monetary environment. The ongoing quantitative easing by advanced economies is unprecedented in both scale and duration. Interest rates have been artificially maintained at extremely low levels, and we see huge volumes of liquidity flow into emerging markets like Hong Kong. The current unusual circumstances are one of the main drivers for the prolonged boom in the local property sector. The risk of over-heating in the property sector to financial stability in Hong Kong is no smaller than that seen in 1997,” he said.

“Mortgage rates are around 2%. And, even if the low interest rate environment were to remain until 2015 as anticipated by the US Federal Reserve, the US interest rates are bound to head back to more normal levels.”

He urged people to be cautious and not underestimate the risks that rising interest rates could have on their repayment ability, asset prices and Hong Kong’s overall economy.

In a related development, the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited today announced revisions to be made to the Mortgage Insurance Programme eligibility criteria.

Currently, properties valued at or below $6 million are eligible for the maximum Mortgage Insurance Programme cover of 90% loan-to-value. After the revisions, only mortgage loans of properties valued at or below $4 million will be eligible for the maximum 90% loan-to-value cover.

For more details, click here

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此外,為了進一步提升香港銀行的風險管理,金管局決定為香港採用《內評法》(Internal Ratings-based Approach)的銀行,所有在明天或以後批出的住宅按揭貸款,設立一個百分之十五的《風險加權比率》(Risk Weight)下限。
金管局總裁陳德霖先生表示:「香港正處於一個極度不正常的宏觀金融環境。全球先進國家正進行量化寬鬆貨幣政策,規模之大、時間之長,是史無前例。現 時利率被人為地壓至極低的水平,同時大量資金流入包括香港的新興市場。這個不尋常的宏觀環境是香港今次的樓市上升週期持續了很長的時間的主要成因之一。

我想再次強調,現時樓市過熱對香港金融穩定造成的風險是不小於97年。尤其是97年按揭利率一般是10厘或以上,但在樓市泡沫爆破後,美國利率下跌,香港的 按揭利率亦持續下降,在2004年跌低至2厘左右。目前情況剛好相反,按揭利息只是2厘左右,即使低息環境如美聯儲局預測一樣維持至2015年,往後美國 利率一定會上升至較正常水平。

屆時香港的供樓人士能否承受利息上升和樓價下調的雙重衝擊呢?以一個30年的按揭為例,即使頭兩年能享受低息,往後就要承受 可能高好多的利息負擔和樓價大幅波動的風險。這些風險可能會嚴重影響置業者和他們的家庭往後十多廿年的福祉。所以我希望大家要審慎從事,千萬不要低估利息 上升時會為供款能力,資產價格及香港整體經濟帶來的風險和衝擊。」


Press Releases

Prudential Supervisory Measures for Mortgage Lending 

As the risk of overheating in the property market has again risen recently, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) issued today (Friday) guidelines to banks on a new round of prudential supervisory measures to strengthen banks’ risk management and resilience.  The measures are as follows:
First: In stress-testing mortgage applicants’ repayment ability, banks are required to assume a mortgage rate increase of 300 basis points, instead of the existing 200 basis points.  This measure shall apply to mortgage loans for all types of properties, including residential as well as commercial and industrial properties.

Second: The maximum loan-to-value (LTV) ratios of mortgage loans for all commercial and industrial properties, whether or not for self-use, shall be lowered from the existing applicable levels by 10 percentage points.
Third: The maximum LTV ratio of mortgage loans for standalone car park spaces shall be set at 40% and the maximum loan tenor at 15 years.  Other requirements on maximum LTV ratio and debt-servicing ratio applicable to commercial and industrial property mortgage loans shall also apply to standalone car park space mortgage loans.
The above measures take effect immediately.  However, loan applications in respect of property transactions with provisional sale and purchase agreements signed on or before 22 February 2013 will not be affected.
Besides, to further enhance the risk management of banks in Hong Kong, the HKMA has decided to introduce a risk weight floor of 15% for all residential mortgages granted tomorrow or thereafter by banks using the internal ratings-based approach.
Mr Norman Chan, the Chief Executive of the HKMA, said, “Hong Kong is facing an extremely unusual macro-monetary environment.  The ongoing quantitative easing by advanced economies is unprecedented in both scale and duration.  

Interest rates have been artificially maintained at extremely low levels, and we see huge volumes of liquidity flow into emerging markets like Hong Kong.  

The current unusual circumstances are one of the main drivers for the prolonged boom in the local property sector.  The risk of over-heating in the property sector to financial stability in Hong Kong is no smaller than that seen in 1997.  

We should note in particular that while mortgage rates were generally over 10% in 1997, after the burst of the property bubble, US interest rates have fallen, and mortgage rates in Hong Kong have spiralled down reaching about 2% in 2004.  

The situation we faced now is just the opposite.  Mortgage rates are around 2%.  And, even if the low interest rate environment were to remain until 2015 as anticipated by the US Federal Reserve, the US interest rates are bound to head back to more normal levels.  Will mortgage borrowers in Hong Kong then be able to withstand the impact of interest rate hikes and property price falls?  

For example, under a 30-year mortgage, even though the borrower will be able to enjoy a low interest rate in the first two years, the repayment burden could become much heavier as a result of interest rate hikes in the years that follow.  This could have serious consequences for the well-being of those families in the coming years.  

Therefore, I hope that the public will be cautious and should not underestimate the risks that rising interest rate could have on repayment ability, asset prices and the overall economy in Hong Kong.”

Hong Kong Monetary Authority
22 February 2013




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查詢請致電按保計劃熱線(電話:2536 0136)。

Press Releases

Revisions of the Mortgage Insurance Programme

The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (HKMC) today (Friday) announced that revisions will be made to the eligibility criteria for the Mortgage Insurance Programme (MIP).
Currently, properties with value at or below HK$6 million are eligible for the maximum MIP cover of 90% loan-to-value (LTV).
After the revisions, only mortgage loans of properties with value at or below HK$4 million will be eligible for the maximum MIP cover of 90% LTV.
Properties with value above HK$4 million and below HK$4.5 million will be eligible for MIP cover up to HK$3.6 million, being 80-90% LTV, while properties with value at or above HK$4.5 million will only be eligible for the maximum MIP cover of 80% LTV.  The cap on the value of properties under MIP will remain unchanged at HK$6 million. 
The revisions will apply to MIP applications with provisional sale and purchase agreement signed on or after 23 February 2013.  For homebuyers who have executed the provisional sale and purchase agreement on or before 22 February 2013, their mortgage loan applications may be submitted by the MIP participating banks for processing in accordance with the existing scope and criteria of the MIP.
The Chief Executive Officer of the HKMC, Mr Raymond Li, said, “Taking into account the current market conditions, these revisions aim to ensure that the HKMC is taking a prudential approach to risk management on its exposure to high LTV mortgage lending.”
For enquiries, please call the MIP Hotline (Tel: 2536 0136).
The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited
22 February 2013